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Sales and Marketing Training

Every day we buy something, whether we buy it or not, but we look at it. Therefore, we are frequently exposed to marketing activities for the purpose of selling and making people want to buy. From this point of view, we see that what sales and marketing are and what are the differences between them, it has become a subject that closely concerns both us consumers and those working in the fields of sales and marketing.

Sales is the name given to the process that results in the purchase of products or services offered to us by a seller. Marketing, on the other hand, can be defined as promoting the products and services sold to potential buyers through advertisements and campaigns. Although these two concepts seem similar, they actually have differences. For example, While sales processes require one-on-one interaction with the customer, marketing processes aim to promote without interacting with a target audience rather than a single customer.

Training Time : 5 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Training Type : Corporate Trainings

Sales Management Training

Institutions meet the needs of their customers with the products and services they develop. These products and services are delivered to customers through strategic planning. 

In the whole process, activities such as determining the customer profile, choosing the appropriate channel or defining achievable targets directly affect the sales processes. Increasing sales rates is the priority of institutions at the point of increasing revenue.

Training Time : 4 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Training Type : Corporate Trainings

Stress Management in Sales

Although stress is a very gloomy word, it is an effective motivation tool when used correctly. Recognizing the stress factors in sales processes and transforming them into constructive stress will be an important factor in increasing their performance.

There are two types of stress, destructive and constructive. Destructive stress leaves us helpless in the face of difficulties, while constructive stress allows us to overcome difficulties more decisively. It is up to us to determine what type of stress the stressors we encounter will cause. For this, it is necessary to recognize the stress factors first. As long as sales personnel in the business world can turn the stressors they encounter into constructive sources of stress, they can greatly benefit both themselves and their companies.

Training Time : 6 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Education Type : Personal Development

Zero Waste

Zero waste aims to prevent waste generation. In cases where there is waste generation, it aims to minimize the amount of waste. Zero waste ensures that the wastes are collected separately in accordance with their types and recycled. In this way, it is an approach that is effective in creating a clean and livable future for living things.

Zero waste is an indispensable approach to ensure a clean environment where living things can live by ensuring the efficient use of resources. It is ensured that the amount of waste is minimized with zero waste, and that the waste materials are collected and recycled according to their types. Waste materials can be classified as glass, plastic, wood, battery, metal, paper, waste vegetable oil, electronics, composite and organic. Zero waste offers many advantages to both living things and nature. Zero waste advantages include preventing waste, using resources efficiently, and reducing the cost allocated for production.

Training Time : 5 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Education Type : Personal Development

Strategic Planning Training

Institutions need to invest, make new decisions or make changes in order to improve themselves. It is one of their primary needs to be attentive to such matters and to develop strategic plans. However, there are points to be considered in these processes. 

If plans are not carefully developed, wrong decisions can be made and institutions can jeopardize their futures. Institutions can continue their business processes in line with their goals by making strategic plans. At this point, strategic planning, development, implementation and subsequent steps should be carried out meticulously.

Training Time : 4 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Education Type : Personal Development

Stress Management

In the ever-changing world, many different reasons such as technological developments and education cause stress. Stress is a normal reaction of the body to any event or threat. When the person encounters changes and threats, the body produces stress responses, keeping the person safe.

We are faced with factors that can cause stress at any time and in every part of our lives. A life without stress is unthinkable as stress is the body's natural response to dangerous events or changes. However, in some cases, the stress level can become too high. It is possible to reduce the effects of excessive stress by acquiring the right ways and new habits. Thus, by learning appropriate methods, the stress factor can become manageable. These methods include allocating time for hobbies, identifying the factors that cause stress, and thinking positively.

Training Time : 4 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Education Type : Personal Development

SWOT Analysis

One of the first steps to be implemented when starting a venture or a new project is a SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis allows you to see the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats clearly and makes your job much easier during the planning phase.

SWOT analysis is a cost-effective, effective analysis that reveals your shortcomings, informs you about internal and external negativities, enables you to see sectoral opportunities and forms the basis of your innovation plans, when done correctly and completely.

Training Time : 8 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Training Type : Corporate Trainings

Team work

For successful teamwork, the team must have some characteristics, most of which are behavioral. With the differentiation of demands in the changing and developing world, the studies carried out individually slow down the processes and sometimes satisfactory results cannot be obtained. 

For this reason, changes in the sector force companies to establish teams that are qualified and can take more responsibility. Teamwork is an effective working method for the development of cooperation and self-confidence.

Training Time : 3 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Education Type : Personal Development

Meeting Management

Meetings are indispensable in business life. With the meetings held in business life, studies are carried out on subjects such as exchanging ideas, making decisions, sharing information, and producing solutions to problems. Effective and planned meetings also affect the efficiency and success of institutions. Therefore, meeting management is very important for institutions. Meeting management is the correct management and control of the meeting before, during and after the meeting.

Employees in business life often attend meetings many times in a day. Employees spend most of their time in meetings. Therefore, meeting management is becoming a much more important concept for institutions. Thanks to the meeting management, it is ensured that the pre-meeting, the moment of the meeting and the post-meeting are managed and controlled in a planned and programmed manner. It is very important for the employees to have detailed information about the preparations before the meeting, and what to do during and after the meeting, by being knowledgeable about the meeting management.

Training Time : 6 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Training Type : Corporate Trainings

Remote Leadership

The leader directs the people in the team or teammates towards a common goal they have and increases their motivation. It is important to support remote workers with remote leaders to ensure the continuity of their work processes. At this point, remote leadership tips are of great importance in terms of providing support to teams.

In business, teams need to be guided by leaders. With the rapid digitalization, working from home and hybrid working models are becoming widespread. It is undeniable that people working in these widespread business models need the support and experience of remote leaders for the continuity of their projects. Therefore, remote leadership tips have great effects in increasing the motivation of the teams, increasing their productivity, guiding the employees and maintaining the continuity of the business.

Training Time : 4 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Training Type : Corporate Trainings

Remote Selling

The rapid digital transformation is also seriously affecting the professions. The sales departments of the institutions can be given as an example of the affected occupational groups. The realization of sales processes through online negotiations is defined as distance selling. There are some points that the employees in the sales field should pay attention to in order to provide good service to the changing customer habits.

Persons working in the sales departments should be able to provide services in accordance with the changing needs and habits of the customers by mastering the distance sales processes. Using online meeting platforms, making online presentations, having information about customers and developing sales strategies suitable for customers' characteristics are important points to know for distance selling.

Training Time : 7 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Training Type : Corporate Trainings

Creative Thinking

Creative thinking can be defined as the ability of people to exhibit unique and unorthodox approaches. The preparation phase, the incubation phase, the enlightenment phase, the evaluation phase, and the validation phase form the stages of creative thinking.

Creative thinking is to come up with unusual ideas by thinking in an original way. Individuals should be encouraged to think creatively from an early age. Creative thinking can be accomplished more easily with some methods. Evolution method, synthesis method, reapplication method and direction change method are among these techniques.

Training Time : 5 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Education Type : Personal Development

Foreign and Export Customer
Finding Methods

With the rapidly developing technology, the desire of institutions to take a more active role in their sectors, the effect of digital transformation and the desire to do business in the international arena, institutions aim to reach their overseas and export customers. Institutions have the opportunity to reach their overseas and export customers and deliver their products or services to all over the world.

Institutions can reach their overseas and export customers and bring their brand awareness to more people. The importance of finding foreign and export customers is increasing day by day due to accelerating digital transformation and taking a role in the growing economy. At this point, institutions may prefer some methods to reach their overseas and export customers. Opening a website for their brands, participating in fairs, using social media platforms, using b2b sites and contacting trade consultancy can be given as examples of these methods.

Training Time : 4 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Training Type : Corporate Trainings

Time management

Time management is the process of organizing, planning and managing time that determines how individuals will allocate time for certain activities. With time management, people aim to increase their productivity and efficiency.

Time management is important in all areas of life. Time can be managed with some tips. Planning, setting goals, determining priority tasks, setting time limits, completing the works started, getting help, empowering and not being a perfectionist are among the time management tips. Time management reduces people's stress by increasing their productivity.

Training Time : 4 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Education Type : Personal Development

Mind Map

Mind Map, also known as Mind Map, can be defined as a technique that enables grouping and diagramming thoughts or information. In other words, with the mind map, information is grouped and visualized by associating with each other.

A lot of new information is learned every day in education and business life. However, when the new information learned is not associated with each other, it can be forgotten in a short time. Therefore, mind maps are a technique used to increase the permanence of learning activities. Mind maps allow thoughts or information to be associated and visualized. With the many advantages they provide, mind maps are one of the helpers in learning and remembering activities in education, work and daily life.

Training Time : 4 min
Language of Instruction : Turkish
Education Type : Personal Development